L'majha finds an unexpected visitor waiting beside her motorcycle - L'rize, the very sister she stole the bike from. L'rize is pretty unconcerned by the theft, but there are other reasons for L'majha to be wary about her sister's arrival.
Kh'amiya consults with her sister R'inyha about the Raptor tribe's traditions around eating people, looking for some comfort about her own appetites - especially around being the subject of her girlfriend Sute's appetite. R'inyha offers some soothing affection to her little sister.
Kharis, an orphaned Varlyn adventurer, undertakes a quest for the motherly Syndra. However, a little white lie afterwards ends up giving him more of a reward than he bargained for. Choose your own ending.
After being inadvertently snared by Arietta's trap, Kiise finds herself taking an unplanned visit to the wizard's gut. At least Arietta knows her and will let her go. ... Right?
Sayo, restless and feverish and exhausted as her continued transformation saps her already limited energy, dreams of the mysterious villain and of Magia Baiser and of Utena.
Kiwi meets her match in a defeat that's as shocking as it is... shocking. But the events of this loss are seared into her mind along with the girl who delivered it to her.
Fell Priestess Amaryllis goes to tend to Alear, the slave formerly known as the Divine One. But what would have been a routine extraction of alchemical components becomes much more complicated by confusing and upsetting feelings.
Kazuko, seeing an opportunity, squeezes himself in between his sister Mieko and her on-again-off-again gay crush, Sara. Unfortunately, Sara's monstrous youkai side has other uses for him.
Bratty hammer-wielding frontliner Momori decides to harass the whip-using healer Huz, and though the latter isn't interested in Momori's weird fetishes, she still has a job to do as the party healer.
I have some powerful cravings for small prey and tall pred. And lately I've been craving seeing my current XIV main, Izhu, in those situations. Let's give her a little adventure down a gullet, shall we?
Alear asks Ivy if there's anything special she wants to do now that they're together. Ivy admits that she wishes to worship at the Divine Dragon's feet. It's the first time she's ever admitted to this secret wish, let alone had a chance to perform it, let alone on the Divine Dragon who has filled her mind with fantasies since before they ever met. Unfortunately, there's someone else who's listening, unbeknownst to Ivy...
Citrinne decides to help the Divine Dragon out with a plan to boost Lapis's confidence. This is guaranteed to be a good idea and she definitely understood what they were talking about.
The Wargaming Club gathers to prepare revenge against the Empty Bellies. When it comes to battle, they play to win. And they're not going to let this slide so easily...
With the help of new member Nicole's reconnaissance, the Empty Bellies find an easy target to pick on in the wargaming club: Lexi, a lonely freshman who's desperate for a girlfriend. Britney volunteers to take her out in both senses, but when it turns out that Britney's ex-girlfriend Valerie is friends with Lexi, things get more complicated...
(spoilers up to Chapter 17 of Fire Emblem Engage) Alcryst fights valiantly, seeking to redeem himself. This is an angst story, so you know what's going to happen to him.
A demonologist is cornered by an exorcist and loses her summoned succubus. As she melts away in the exorcist's cold, uncaring gut, she laments the loss of her hopes and dreams. But maybe not everything is lost.
(Spoilers for Fire Emblem Engage up to chapter 9, implied vore of underage prey.) Jean joins the crew with idealistic dreams of changing the world and is promptly kidnapped by bandits with realistic dreams of taking a treat home.
(Spoilers for Fire Emblem Engage up to chapter 8.) Louis moves to protect the Divine Dragon and friends against the power of Tiki's deadly wyvern Fabrications.
(Spoilers for Fire Emblem Engage up to chapter 8.) Citrinne and Lapis and Alcryst have a lovely time in Florra Town, but when the Corrupted attack, things go terribly wrong.
Nanya is bullied relentlessly by the street punks in her neighborhood for her albinism, with many of them claiming her light sensitivity and difficulty making friends combined with her unusual skin and hair colors makes her a vampire. She's not - but her body contains supernatural power all the same, and when she's threatened, it finally makes an appearance.
(Never finished) Rose is unfortunate enough to walk into the dorm room where Rin has just finished eating her girlfriend Reya - and Nicole has been dispatched to make sure there aren't any witnesses. Vore ensues?!
(Never-finished) Evaluating the contributing factors both positive and negative, direct and indirect, that culminated in a depressive episode in late May 2022.
(Never finished) Tasi wanders the world alone, bereft of her symbiotic AI. Treated as a monster for a crime she didn't commit. Is there a place for a halflet?
(Never finished) Delia's girlfriend Everlee tries to give poor stressed Delia some comfort before her move to New Delhi. The stomach kind of comfort. But backwards...
(Never-finished story, Shadowbringers 5.0 finale spoilers) Lani desperately tries to hold on, but her grip starts to slip... Tala and the Scions have to bring her back to her senses before it's too late.
Anyi's despair finally overtakes the eternally cheerful angelkin - and she has no idea how to deal with it. As someone experienced in the unfairness of the world, Elissa shows her the comfort that can be found in simply accepting what is and moving forward together.
After much internal and external conflict, Lah finally decides to stand resolute in her resistance to Anyi's plan to help with the monster girls' revolution. Anyi accepts her decision. Wait... no, Anyi accepts her into her mouth and then digests her to get her out of the way. To break someone's trust would be really satisfying...
Anju takes her beloved pet Nicole to a party of demi-dragon owners of human and demi-human pets. When Anju gets wrapped up in networking with a fellow demi-dragon, Nicole runs into trouble...
The trial promised by the palace containing the sacred gemstone Elissa is after seems to have been a fluke - Elissa gets to the gemstone easily. Getting out of the palace, however...
(Spoilers for Fire Emblem Engage, up to the end of Chapter 7.) Vander gravely underestimates the scrappy young Elusian princess and ends up in a bad situation.
(Spoilers for Fire Emblem Engage up to the end of Chapter 17.) Seeing how mentally and physically exhausted Alear is after a grueling battle, Framme comes up with the perfect solution for everyone involved. Well, except that she won't be around to see how it turns out...
(Spoilers for Fire Emblem Engage, up to the end of Chapter 5.) Chloé and Clanne fall to nameless Elusian soldiers, a stark reminder that war has consequences. Like not being able to fit into your chest guard anymore.
And the way to your heart is through your stomach... so, really, if your stomach makes a wish, doesn't that bring you even closer to your heart? Think about it. Not too hard, though.
Demi-tiger Mila and her demi-bunny girlfriend Coco have an intimate night together. Coco doesn't find out until too late that Mila plans for it to be their last.
New member Mora joins the Empty Bellies club right inside... er... along with fellow recruit Nicole, raising the Empty Bellies' headcount to the point of being official! To celebrate, they go out to the mall together...
As the Empty Bellies seek to become an official club, they must accumulate six members. There's a problem, though: There are only four of them. And who wants to join the much-mocked "Losers' Club"? But when things seem hopeless, demi-bear Vixie answers the call...
The members of Mamoriae - Aivivih, Araignaise, Annabelle, and Srelle - meet, then try to get some sleep the night before their first big adventure together... try being the operative word.
Valerie and Alia celebrate the end of the summer, where they'll each go off to their own colleges, their relationship over. At least, that's Valerie's plan. Alia's plan is different.
Do your roleplays feel like they lack that special spice? Feels a little empty without the thrill of maybe being digested or having your prey get away? Never fear!
Tala, Senah, Miah, Aisha, Lani, Malacoda, Reina, Katrja, and Sirara try to stop the Garlean Empire from bringing their massive colossus to wipe out the Eorzean Alliance.
Reina gets payback for a kind thing she did for Tala. ... Wait, is "getting payback" supposed to be what happens when you do something nice for somebody?
Minka goes to the library to do research. Talya goes to a bar to discuss things with an old contact. Evi goes to buy some environmental shielding for their mechs.
A summary of my relationship with my father, to give background to those who haven't been part of this nightmarish scenario all along. CW: emotional abuse, narcissism.
The letter to my family, which is as much a letter to myself to understand what I'm doing and why I'm doing it as it is one to my family to inform them of what's going on and to state my boundaries.
How a funky JVM optimization resulted in our Android girl belching a bunch instead of telling us what was going on, and failing her self-test accordingly.
Alena and Louann participate in an eating contest sponsored by Reform Co., and one of the competitors gets serious. ... She is one of the competitors, right?
As punishment for her misdeeds of the night before, Mimi arranges a "special" Little Ladies' Day treat for Sami. But it ends up getting more than a little out of hand...
Welcome to the Twinflower Resort! Where your personal assistant will see to it that all your needs are met... personally. This document will outline the amenities available during your stay.
Louann, Alena, and Cassie settle in to watch the newest monster movie in the comfort of Cassie's home. An argument breaks out. Sometimes popcorn just isn't enough, you know?
After many reincarnations, Emi finds that all the extra soul energy from her various reformations has apparently formed up to become some kind of divinity. But an incomplete one. One who wants to be whole. And it turns out that the original is just what she needs!
With Maritza trapped in a belly, and Lethe still out of it, the only one who can save the trio is Karya, the cowardly mage... But maybe there are some things worth facing your fears for.
As the three recover, Maritza's internal drama - and hunger - comes to a head.
Maritza's hunger is getting out of control. It's a really bad time, too - with Lethe still drugged on lamia venom, and Karya having possibly led their enemies straight to her lair, now would be an excellent time to have her head on straight.
But maybe things will work out in their favor. Maybe nobody noticed their teleport. Maybe Lethe's going to be okay. Maritza isn't optimistic...
Temptation is in the air. Karya's curiosity has gone where Maritza has long tried to keep her own away from: Just how good does she taste, really? And it's getting way too hard to avoid giving in. The way Maritza's been fantasizing... the better question might be, how long will it be before Maritza loses control and eats her?
And then there's Lethe. It's bad enough that Maritza had to give up a tasty meal, now she's hanging around and making herself generally useful while being no less tasty. But then she leads the trio into the den of a very hungry lamia who's been trying to catch her for a while...
Karya's not afraid of the dragonlings' ability to eat people, even when her bodyguard, Maritza, demonstrates it right before her eyes. In fact, she's quite curious about it.
She might get too close of a look at it, though. When Vera, another dragonling, rips open their tent with the intent of leaving with Karya in her belly, Maritza struggles to keep her charge out of the maw of malice.
But it's looking like Karya's fate is to melt away while Maritza watches helplessly...
Maritza takes down an assassin who's come after Karya, and then gulps her down... the assassin, that is, not Karya. Though Karya seems interested in joining her...