Part-Tummers: CrushedNSFW

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Ailyn and Ms. Taylor discuss Ailyn's recent disappointment wiith a crush and Ms. Taylor's dating woes.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

hey, you have a second to talk?

Alissa Taylor:

Certainly. I'm just putting the finishing touches on my example robot for this week's Robotics Club, but I can set it down if you need me.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

I need you, yeah

Alissa Taylor:

Give me a moment.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:


Alissa Taylor:

All right. You have my full attention. What is it?

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

um, it's about Stefani

Alissa Taylor:

That is... the girl from your choir that you had a crush on, right?

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

and I know I should have let her go

Alissa Taylor:

Crushes are rarely so logical, I'm afraid.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:


Alissa Taylor:

What about Stefani?

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

she started seeing someone, some Anna I don't know

Alissa Taylor:

That must have been difficult to hear.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:


Alissa Taylor:

I'm sorry, Ailyn.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

can I just vent about this for a little while? do you mind?

Alissa Taylor:

I don't mind at all. Please, go ahead.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

so I found out because we were going to go to the movies together and she invited Anna
she checked with me first, and I was like, "oh, sure, I'd love to meet her!"
she's super sweet and she seems like a great girl
both of them are really lucky
but I hate it.
and I just feel terrible hating it, because it's so petty
but I really do
part of me wished she was just a horrible, toxic wreck of a human being so that I could feel better about myself, you know?

Alissa Taylor:

Oh, I understand completely.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

I wished the two of them a long and happy coupleship together
but in my head I was wishing that Anna would get grabbed by someone on their next date and Stefani would just let it happen
I feel like a huge asshole

Alissa Taylor:

No one is judging you for thinking that way. It's natural for you to feel some resentment. There's not much you can do.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

well, I can be the one who eats Anna

Alissa Taylor:

LOL. Yes, that is always an option. :) If you need help coordinating, I'm glad to help out however I can.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

thanks Ali
but nah... it wouldn't be as satisfying as I think it would be
not like eating her girlfriend will make her want to date me, it'll just make her disappointed that this had to happen when she found someone she liked

Alissa Taylor:

I think you're right about that. These things rarely feel as good to do as they feel to think about.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

but it does feel really good to think about, that's for sure

Alissa Taylor:

If you tell me her description, I can find you some girls who look like Anna for the catharsis. :)

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

that sounds kinda fun, actually
thanks Ali

Alissa Taylor:

Of course. This is what friendship is all about, isn't it? Teaming up to get through your respective troubles with love. And you will get through this. You've gotten through worse. But I am quite sure it feels like the worst thing right now.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

it really does
I still daydream about her, even now
and it just hurts

Alissa Taylor:

I always say that if you can't fill the void in your heart with a girl, you can always fill the void in your stomach with girls who look like her.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

oh, can we find two girls that look like the happy couple?

Alissa Taylor:

LOL. Devious. :) I'll do my best.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

um, let's stop talking about me, since I feel all self-conscious now
how about you?
you had a date the other night, right?

Alissa Taylor:

Mmm. That date... I can tell you this: the food was better than the romance.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:


Alissa Taylor:

Yes. Very "oof". She was cooing over me like a doting mother. Not the kind of relationship I want.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

did she... you know

Alissa Taylor:

Oh, she squirmed for hours. She didn't make it to the morning, though, if that's what you're asking.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

oh my god
no, I was asking if she made any comments about your height

Alissa Taylor:

"Hi there, sweetheart. Is your mother here? I'm looking for Ms. Taylor." Even if I'm small, I don't look that young. She clearly has no idea how to handle children. And I suspect that even if she hadn't irritated me, she wouldn't have been my type. I need someone who has a little bit more patience with these things.
But LOL at the misunderstanding. :) I genuinely thought that you were trying to make a reference to the discussion we had earlier.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

nah, you know me, I would have just said that
I just wanted to ask without annoying you

Alissa Taylor:

I appreciate your sensitivity. :) But really, I think we've well established how my dates tend to treat me. It's okay for you to ask.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

listen, I don't want to end up like them

Alissa Taylor:

Good plan. :) But I won't do that to you. As far as you know. LOL.

Ailyn ~fallen from the golden bridge~:

your evil laugh is too strong, Ali...