Recap 06: Vs. Dalamadur HybridNSFW
‣‣‣ 178 words ( read)
The crew takes down a giant snake lady with the help of Artemis.
That was unbelievable...
I'm having Bee take dictation on a quick note while I wait for the others outside the wrecked station. So, um, we made it! Nobody got eaten or anything. Not... that I wanted us to...
We took on the giant hybrid woman with Artemis's help. She seemed really interested in Talya - I think getting shot at so much upset her. But my turrets kept wearing her down, and Talya and Evi took turns shooting her down while Artemis charged up the Rail and kept blasting blindly into the water, and then...
I don't think I can describe what it was like watching the Rail let loose. Hearing it, seeing it... or, rather, seeing what was left after it fired...
The Apex is really terrifying...
Anyway, Talya asked me to run in and grab the data and wipe out the copy on the station itself, but... someone else turned on the station and got inside about an hour and a half ago.
Guess it's time to find out what's in there...
--- END ENTRY: 06-vs-dalamadur-hybrid ---