Stripped for PartsNSFW
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L'majha finds an unexpected visitor waiting beside her motorcycle - L'rize, the very sister she stole the bike from. L'rize is pretty unconcerned by the theft, but there are other reasons for L'majha to be wary about her sister's arrival.
L'majha counts the coins as she makes her way through the Chocobo Forest to where she parked the beat-up old Garlond GL-IS. "300, 400, 500, 520, 530, 535, 536, 537... 538 gil."
"It's too bad that you left in such a hurry," Eos bubbles, wings fluttering as she perches on L'majha's shoulder. "I'm sure that last huntress would have given you a bonus if you'd fed her."
"Yes, well, I'd really rather not stick around and risk her going for a different kind of meal," L'majha snips with a brief glance at the fairy SHE HAS KNOWN ALL HER LIFE. "I've studied enough healing to know she was a lot more mobile than she was letting on. Let's just get back to Hana quickly -- I don't want to even imagine what she's gotten up to in Ishgard without supervi--"
She trails off - as she comes around the outer Tailfeather wall, she spots a figure in a leather jacket kneeling behind her motorbike, apparently peering at the engine. She freezes, ears going flat and tail going stiff. Even an old, beat-up piece of magitek like this attracts potential thieves, doesn't it... If nothing else, looking to siphon the ceruleum...
"Can I help you?" L'majha asks, approaching slowly and with her grimoire close to hand in case a fight proves necessary. She pushes her glasses up with her other hand, swallowing hard.
The girl who straightens up is surprisingly familiar. Tall and muscular, with that dark red hair, button nose, the face paint, the toothy smile, those calculating slate-gray eyes...
"I have to say, I'm impressed, little sister," L'rize says, taking a hand out of her pocket to offer to L'majha. "Ya really took this thing from a bucket of barely-functional junk to a proper motorbike. A flyin' one, too, at that -- where'd ya get yer hands on a Garlond flight unit?"
L'majha tentatively reaches out toward L'rize's hand, images of herself flying down between those pretty lips warning in her head. "Rize... I'm- I'm sorry. I needed to get out of there. I was number one on half the Vipers' menus. I had no other choice - I was desperate. You understand, right?"
And indeed, L'rize immediately pulls her... into a tight hug that makes her squeak from the pressure, her sister patting her back after a moment. "Yeah. I get it. Good to see ya whole and healthy, Majha. I'm not mad ya took it -- just impressed, is all. Pretty good with all this magitek stuff, ain'tcha?"
"I- um- yes." L'majha slowly raises her grimoire hand, wrapping L'rize in an embrace in turn. It actually... seems genuine. No comments on her scent or taste, no invitations back to a place with a powerful enough oven, no veiled threats. "... I studied what I could. You're sure you're not angry?"
Indeed, L'rize is smiling when she releases the hug. "Aw, hell, Majha, don't worry yer pretty li'l head. Y'know how busy I was down at the garage back then. I was never gonna get this project off the ground - even figuratively speakin', I mean. Probably was just gonna end up strippin' it for parts. And y'got it in the air. Put it through hell, looks like, but I guess it still works. Mind if I see it in flight?"
"Er- yes. I mean, yes, I put it through hell. No, I can't fly it here, it's, ah, not calibrated for the local conditions yet, I'm still gathering data," L'majha mumbles, brows knit in confusion. Her eyes flick over L'rize, from her belly to her face and back again. "If you're not angry, why did you track me down?"
"Keeping Loz company. Wanted to see what y'done with the thing." L'rize shrugs, turning back to the motorcycle and running a hand along the chrome-plated engine. "To be honest, I ain't on board with her little crusade against you and Hana, so I told her if she wants to wander the woods and get trampled by the birds she can be my guest, I'm just here to lay eyes on this lovely little machine, and that's just what I'm doin'."
L'majha's eyes widen. Now it all makes sense. "You're here with Zanya? She must be close-- I have to get out of here..." Her heart pounds, and she licks her lips nervously, already envisioning L'zanya's open maw, the stomach she'd had have L'hana drag her out of the night before she left...
"Nah, don't rush y'self." L'rize chuckles, putting a hand on L'majha's shoulder and grounding her back into the Chocobo Forest. "Loz went off to the Gnath hive half a bell ago. No way she got there yet, let alone started comin' back. Let's catch up, yeah? Sister to sister. C'mon, tell me where y'got hooked up with that flight unit. She's a beaut!"
Despite her uncertainty, L'majha can't help indulging in an opportunity to gush about her efforts to someone who will understand, and L'rize seems to be honestly curious and interested. "Oh, right! Yeah, you're gonna have your socks knocked off when you hear this story. So Hana and I drive up to the Ironworks -- we took the bike, of course -- and Cid comes out--"
"No shit." L'rize's mouth hangs open, her eyes wide. L'majha jerks back reflexively, but that mouth doesn't seem to be coming for her at all. "Cid Garlond? Ya got yer flight drive from Cid nan bloody Garlond, former chief magitek engineer?"
"Oh yeah, did I not mention that? Hana and I've worked with him on a few projects by now," L'majha confirms, scratching her cheek with a proud smile as she settles back down. "Gods, his face when I told him we weren't going to be able to follow a test flight of one of his new babies on the bike because I couldn't get my hands on a working flight drive, or at least one easily enough repaired... He runs back in there, yells for Jessie and starts digging through parts bins -- toootally forgetting about the test flight he was trying to get me to come along on."
L'rize bursts into laughter. "Ain't that always the way with these so-called genius types! Always thinkin' about the next project, and the next... not even finishin' the last. Leavin' people like me to finish up the work and work out the kinks in their grand plans..."
A pleased grin spreads across L'majha's face, and her guard finally drops. "Honestly! Hana and I get so many shitty jobs from people you'd think far more capable than us! Anyway, so Cid grabs this flight drive, right..."
At long last, she's met someone from back home and not had to immediately flee for her life out of fear of being eaten, she's been appreciated for her mind instead of her body...
So when L'rize's stomach growls in the middle of a comment about Hana's love for martial arts beatdowns, L'majha doesn't think much of it.
And when L'rize pauses to sniff the air and licks her lips and moans delightedly, L'majha doesn't think much of it.
And when L'rize's arm lands on her shoulders and wanders down her back, L'majha still doesn't think much of it.
But then L'rize pulls her in closer and gets her face buried in her chest -- and L'majha finally starts to realize that something has gone wrong.
"Hmmmph?!" L'majha yelps, pushing against her much stronger sister's grip. But her grip is like iron! Of course it is-- she's always hoisting heavy magitek vehicle parts around... Damn it! Why did I let myself get lured in?!
"Sorry 'bout this, li'l Majha," L'rize says, her tone effortlessly casual while L'majha struggles and half-suffocates between her breasts. "Gettin' a bit hungry here. I'm sure y'don't mind."
As L'rize lifts L'majha toward her mouth, she strains and kicks, struggling against what's surely inevitable. "O-Of course I mind! Rize! You said you weren't mad!"
"Nah. Not mad. Just hungry."
And then those smirking lips part and she rushes past the waiting teeth, faceplanting down into the rough tongue that shoves her down into L'rize's throat. It's painfully tight around her head, scrunching up her ears against the sides of her head and flattening her nose and cutting off her ability to breathe... Her hands press against her sister's shoulders, her feet scrabbling for purchase against those thick, muscular thighs...
But her struggles are pointless.
L'majha can't get out of L'rize's grip. There's just no way - especially as L'rize incapacitates her with the graceful skill of a seasoned predator. She grips her arms and presses them down against her sides, knocking her support out from under her. With one arm holding her arms still, the other goes to her rump - a butt worth enjoying, L'majha had always thought. But L'rize doesn't seem interested in enjoying her - she lifts her up. So far up.
The blood rushes to L'majha's head as she finds herself inverted, gravity suddenly working against her in the worst way. And when L'rize swallows, she's dragged down quite a ways. She can feel teeth against her middle now - where before only her head was swallowed?
She struggles to draw attention to herself. Maybe one of the residents of Tailfeather will pass by, see her getting swallowed, notice, care? Please? "Hhhhmmph! Hhmmmmmmmph!! Anmbmnph!"
Nothing. L'rize's jaws spread wider with a casual hunger, accepting L'majha's tail and rump. And Majha's head finally emerges into the taller girl's open stomach. She splutters and gasps as she's finally able to breathe properly again, shouting once more. "Rize! Rize, you have to stop this! I-If you're going to eat me..." She searches frantically for a good threat.
None come to mind, but something else does.
"If you're going to eat me, you'd better not waste me! I'm someone to be enjoyed! I'm- I'm th-thick and..." She shudders, trying to force herself to say the words so many others have said to her. "Thick and juicy! You've got to rethink this! We could be friends, too! I-I'm just saying, if you're really set on this...!"
But if L'rize has heard her, she makes no indication of it. L'majha's ass - her lovely charm point - is swallowed up just as casually and unceremoniously as the rest of her. And from there, it's time for her to be slowly slurped up, her squishy thighs well-loved -- or not... but a-at least L'rize will tease her a little once she's nicely packed away, right? Everyone loves to nibble on the feet of captive prey, right?
L'rize doesn't, apparently. She doesn't even take L'majha's shoes off. She just tucks them into her mouth and closes her jaws over them and swallows. Hard.
And L'majha drops down into L'rize's stomach at last. Well, the last of her does, anyway. She's now upside down, face-down in the muck at the bottom of the stomach - - she frantically repositions herself to get back upright, trying to get her head back to air, stale though it might be...
She sucks in a deep breath, gasping it into greedy, hungry lungs. "U-uhhnnn... Rize, why would you... why would you do this..." She can't seem to catch her breath - of course not; the air in here is hot and stale and stifling and comes with a side of the scent of L'rize's breakfast. Which was apparently some kind of chocobo-egg concoction. "I thought we were getting along! What happened?"
There's no response from L'rize at first, but L'majha can feel herself being compressed into a tighter ball by the walls of L'rize's stomach. There's no way that's just what she's capable of with her abs alone... right? L'majha thinks, trying to hold herself back. Then there's a thump, and the stomach compresses tightly around L'majha with a rumbling huuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRPP...
And as L'majha strains to expand the stomach enough to pull some fresh air in so she can breathe, a pair of soggy Sharlayan-made boots land on the forest floor next to where the bike is parked.
"Sorry, li'l Majha," L'rize says with the same offhand tone that Majha would expect from somebody who just elbowed her out of the way in a crowd, not someone who just ate her alive. "Just hungry, like I said. But hey, you mind if I take the bike for a spin? Where'd you leave the key?"
"Yes I mind, you ate me alive!" L'majha yells, kicking and squirming and trying to expand her available space as best she can. "I'm not just going to let you-"
"Ah, found it, was in your bag," L'rize announces. "Okay! Let's take this thing back to L'hana and see how she's doing. Kinda missed her."
Bewildered fury - mixed with a healthy dose of fear - sends a hot flush through L'majha's cheeks. "Wh- Are you going to miss ME?! You know I'm going to be digested in here, right?"
The only response from L'rize is the sound of the motorbike's engines starting up, drowning out L'majha's protests.
L'hana is waiting in the Ishgardian market when L'rize finally catches up with her, parking the motorbike just outside the market board. Well - perhaps "waiting" is not the right term. She appears to be waiting for a commissioned piece of jewelry to return - though she looks up and smiles and points and yells something L'rize can't quite hear over the sound of the motorbike's noisy engines.
"Heyyy, li'l Hana," L'rize calls, dismounting the motorbike and making her way over to L'hana. "How's it going there, little buddy? You order something nice?"
"Yep! It's a big heart-shaped locket for my favorite sister in the whole world." L'hana's proud smile can't possibly be any wider, L'rize thinks. "The jeweler told me that it's a very important thing to get a special piece of jewelry for that special someone on a special day! And today is a VERY special day - it's Valentione's Day!"
"Valentione's Day is in three months, kitten," L'hana points out with a lighthearted laugh. "I think you might've got your dates mixed up a bit there."
"I said that I could have it ready in time for Valentione's Day," the jeweler huffs. "I don't know why she's waiting here. I'm not going to do it right now."
L'hana looks absolutely crushed. "But I gave you all of my money."
"Right. That's enough for me to purchase the materials, and then I'll give you the result when you give me the money for my labor -- after I'm done making it!" the jeweler snaps with an exasperated sigh.
"Hey Rize, how come you have a big belly?" L'hana asks. Her attention has already flitted to looking at L'rize - and touching her, with the other Miqo'te woman fondling her belly. With the way L'hana's hands sink into the soft stomach flesh, it's pretty clear that L'majha doesn't have long left. "Did you eat a big lunch?"
L'rize shrugs. "Yeah, a bit, but nothing I can't handle." She gives L'hana a big smile, clapping her on the back. "I heard you're pretty good with your fists, eh?"
"Oh yeah! I get kinda bored sometimes, because I only have to punch people in the face a couple of times before they stop having fun and pass out," L'hana brags with the most innocent air. Gods, she's so cute.
L'rize rubs her stomach lightly, murmuring pleasantly at the lovely sensation of her digesting prey. "Well, that's good to hear. You think you'd have some time in your schedule to do a little freelance face-punching? It'd make you the money to get that necklace!"
There's a moment where L'hana seems to be uncertain about the offer. She checks the sky. "Hey, um, that bike is a lot like Majha's... did you two meet?"
"As a matter of fact, I did! Y'know, it's really more of both my bike and Majha's," L'rize says with a cheerful laugh. "Why, what's up?"
L'hana seems to accept this explanation, fortunately. "Oh. Well, just that Majha usually yells me about schedules and stuff... but if she's not here yet, I could punch some faces while I wait for her to get back! And then she can yell at me!"
And L'majha wants more than anything to yell at her airheaded little sister. To demand that she ask some follow-up questions, like "why did you do that" and "if you have the bike, how is Majha going to get back here" and "why did you eat my sister" and "I should punch your face and get Majha out of there."
But then, L'hana did - if what L'majha heard through the loud gurgling around her was accurate - just spend every last gil they had on a romantic custom-designed Valentione's Day gift for her sister. Her sister L'majha who has been rejecting her at every turn, who doesn't want L'hana to try to date her because she's not interested. That sister. And it wasn't even enough to pay for the whole gift! And now they're broke and L'hana isn't even going to have anything to show for it!
Ohhhh, L'majha would love to yell at her airheaded little sister.
But she's exhausted. L'rize's stomach has been a relentless assault of roiling, churning acid. She's been tossed around by L'rize's stomach acids enough to no longer have any idea of which way's up and which way's down. The only thing keeping her alive in here now is her healing magic - which she's long run out of by this point. She can't feel her hands or feet - or arms or legs, or her torso for that matter. The only thing she can still feel is the sloshing of acid in her hair. And that's probably a phantom feeling.
Once again, through no fault of her own, she's ended up a meal for someone else. Someone she trusted, again.
Why do I keep trusting? L'majha thinks to herself as her thoughts become messier and less well-formed. One of these days... I'm definitely gonna... learn some kind of... lesson... nnh...
L'rize's abs flex absentmindedly, and L'majha feels her entire body compact.
And then she feels nothing at all.
Eos sits atop the motorbike's handlebars as L'rize sits down in it - and watches with confusion, slightly dumbfounded, as L'hana perches on top of the sidecar. Eos isn't concerned about L'hana, though. She's just watching L'rize's body work L'majha away to nothing.
No learning lessons, Eos teases silently to nobody. She licks her lips, eagerly watching as the nearly-liquid slurry that was once L'majha Tohka is pumped into L'rize's intestines to begin the process of becoming a part of her big sister once and for all. I wouldn't want to miss out on a show like this... so I'm afraid that when I bring you back, your memories will be a bit hazier. Nothing personal, of course. Just can't imagine losing my favorite show...
She runs a hand along L'rize's belly as the swollen lump in L'rize's stomach thins, gradually shifting into her guts. Safe travels, L'majha. I know they'll be safe because I'll be watching over you every step of the way... all the way to your end. Until you finally break and give me a contract with L'hana as I've ordered you to do - then, at last, will I devour your soul and let you rest...